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A Book Deal: Believing God for Crazy Dreams

by Krystal Whitten August 09, 2017 25 Comments

A Book Deal: Believing God for Crazy Dreams

Today's blog post is a story I want to share with you. I've been holding on to a secret for quite some time now, although I've hinted here and there about something big in the works. And now I can officially announce that I have a contract to write a book!

That's right, a real honest-to-goodness book. I can still hardly believe it myself. It's called Faith & Lettering: an Inspirational Guide to Creative Lettering and Journaling. 

Last year in September, I was sitting on the couch after the kids went to bed. My husband and I were doing the tired, end-of-the-day detox of watching TV and exchanging casual conversation. It was a normal, boring night. That's when an unexpected email popped into my inbox. 

The email was from an acquiring editor of a DIY publisher inquiring if I would be interested in writing a DIY book related to what I currently do and share on social media. 

I gotta tell you, I never set out to be an author. Honestly, I never set out to write a blog, much less a book. My hands started shaking as I told Andy what the email said. We discussed how I should respond and what questions I should ask. 

I immediately felt conflict in my heart. Who am I to believe that I could write a book? I'm not equipped for that. I'm not knowledgeable enough for that. I don't have the talent for that. 

It would have been easy to say, "No thanks." Really. I had no aspirations of writing a book at all. But the idea wouldn't let me go. I decided to say yes and see where it went. 

And that's when I began to see the hand of God working in a tangible, specific way. 

These events don't happen often to me. I'm not the person who sees everyday miracles. But when I said "Yes" to something that was very scary to me, God began to fling doors wide open. 

where feet may fail hand lettering of Oceans by HillsongHand lettering on Belleair Beach on my weekend away writing Faith & Lettering

Here's what happened:

I immediately discovered I didn't know what I didn't know, so I reached out to my author friend, Jordan Raynor with some "what on earth do I ask?" questions. He introduced me to his literary agent. I had a conversation with the agent that produced some good questions and alternative paths I could take that I initially rejected. I decided to press forward with the publisher alone. I prayed really hard. And I waited. While I waited, I did some research that fellow lefty hand letterer Dawn Nicole had sent me.

When the contract finally came from the publisher, something felt off. It wasn't anything about the publisher specifically, but I couldn't get a peace about it. As I prayed, I ultimately felt that the publisher wasn't a right fit. I needed to pass on their offer. 

At that point it would have been easy to drop it. It would have been a relief to not have this pressure of a book on me. But Jordan's agent encouraged me to press forward, write a book proposal, and send it out to publishers the traditional way. And oh, he was willing to represent me.

book proposal
A tattered and worn copy of my book proposal

(I later found out that finding the right agent who is willing to represent you is a time-consuming process and can be very difficult. It's a process that I guarantee you I would not have had the gumption to pursue on my own.)

This book would have died right there without that little push.

When I finally submitted my book proposal (the process took me an entire month and was not easy), all I could do was wait and pray. I prayed for God's timing and God's will, even if that meant a bunch of rejection letters. I didn't want to write a book if God wasn't with me and going before me on it.

A few months went by, and one-by-one, offers came in. That's right, multiple offers!

Y'all, God is good. I can't say that emphatically enough. 

I ended up with four Christian publishers making offers. Three out of the four offers were better than my original one with the original publisher. I was privileged to talk to Bethany House, Harvest House, Worthy Inspired, and Zondervan - great names in Christian publishing! I tell you that not to brag on myself, but on the Lord, who graciously nudged me on this path and kept swinging open the doors for me to walk through.

publishing agreement, Worthy Inspired
Publishing Agreement with Worthy Inspired

In May this year I accepted an offer with Worthy Inspired, based out of Nashville. Their team of ladies won me over, and I'm tremendously excited to work with them.

Faith & Lettering was a dream I didn't know I had. It's a crazy dream that God put in my heart.

My manuscript is due September 1, and I'm furiously working to finish it. (#summer #kidshomefromschool #help)

Remember I said that I felt great fear and feelings of, "Who am I?" I still have that fear, those feelings of inadequacy, but my faith in God and his sufficiency is greater. Like Moses, who also asked God,

"Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"

who also doubted his abilities, God continually brings the focus back to himself.

God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"

God also said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, 'The LORD, the God of your fathers--the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob--has sent me to you.' (Exodus 3:11-15)

I trust that God is greater than myself, and if he's called me to write this book, he'll also equip me and go before me.

Working cover for Faith & Lettering

Faith & Lettering is a book about lettering your faith – full of lessons addressing how to draw each letter in multiple styles, how to take creative sermon sketch notes, how to lay out your lettering in a nice composition, and more – as well as the spiritual benefit you get when you hand letter scripture or bring creativity to your devotional time.

Faith & Lettering will go on pre-order in mid-November, so watch for updates on how you can get those pre-order freebies or be part of the launch team!

Sign up below to make sure you don't miss anything.

With love and lettering,

Krystal Whitten
Krystal Whitten


25 Responses

Aishah (@beautywithaplan)
Aishah (@beautywithaplan)

September 08, 2017

Congrats on your book deal! Thank you for sharing your story. It’s AMAZING the way God works in our lives. I truly believe that He was orchestrating your steps. And I also believe that anything that is influenced by Him will always SUCCEED!

Gwen Hodges
Gwen Hodges

August 14, 2017

So looking forward to seeing this journey for you to progress. Will be praying for you in these days. Can’t wait for the book!


August 11, 2017

Congratulations! You have a God-given talent and using it for His glory. Love seeing your creative work. Looking forward to purchasing your book. Appreciate the organizational aspect of your prayer journal.

Irene Romero Rojas
Irene Romero Rojas

August 11, 2017

Wow!!! Thanks for sharing and up my arms - warm regards!!!

PD: I will waiting


August 11, 2017

Such exciting news!! I love reading your blog and all that you say about the Lord. He is so good to us! I look forward to purchasing this book when it comes out. Being a hobbyist letterer myself, I look forward to the inspiration you will bring with this book! Blessings to you!!


August 10, 2017

Thank you for sharing your story. I recently went through a difficult time, but the Lord as usual has shown himself faithful and true. The work God has called you to do is no small matter, yet He will be with you and bless you through it. Keep going, keep sharing the Lord’s faithfulness and goodness through your testimony and lettering. You just never know whose life you are touching. Thank you…

Shelley Hitz
Shelley Hitz

August 10, 2017

WooHoo! So excited for you!


August 10, 2017

Krystal what a blessing you are! Proud of your accomplishments and commitment to sharing the gospel and our Lord and Savior with so many. Continue pressing forward and I will continue to pray for the hearts of those who follow to be blessed! Congratulations!!


August 10, 2017

Praise the Lord! I am excited for you, your family and the rest of us. Thank you for not giving up. It is encouraging to see someone faithful in prayer. Again congratulations looking forward to seeing a finished product. I will be praying for you and your family. ?


August 10, 2017

What a beautiful testimony to God’s faithfulness!!! I love this, Krystal. Thank you for sharing with each of us the great and mighty things God is doing in your life! He truly is the God who goes above and beyond all that we ask or think! Rejoicing with you and praying His blessings on you between now and September 1st. <3

Aundrea Cherry
Aundrea Cherry

August 10, 2017

Congratulations Krystal! Walking with God is always an adventure. Saying ‘Yes’ to Him will always reap reward. Enjoy this time and process. I can’t wait to read your book!


August 10, 2017

Praise God! What a blessing! Will definitely be praying for you through this process. Can’t wait to hear more.


August 10, 2017

How do I tell you how proud I am of you, let me count the ways!!! Seriously girl! So stinkin’ proud of you! Can’t wait to get your book!

Honda Janak
Honda Janak

August 10, 2017

Praise God for His leading you along this path! I look forward to your book and foresee a tremendous response from the lettering community!


August 09, 2017

This is SO exciting for you!! I love how God works behind the scenes on our behalf. You are not alone on this journey as you have our support. My life motto is; Trust. Wait. Act Upon. Praying with you and for you… ?


August 09, 2017

I am so excited about this! I have loved seeing how God has been paving this all out!❤️

Melissa Benson | Raw Sugar Writes
Melissa Benson | Raw Sugar Writes

August 09, 2017

This is SO amazing!! Congratulations, Krystal!! <3


August 09, 2017

Krystal, what an amazing testimony of God’s gifting, equipping and graciousness!!! You are definitely the one to do this and I will be praying that He uses this book greatly in the lives of many, just as He has done with the LPJ! ?


August 09, 2017

Congrats Krystal!!! Cannot wait for this! God is using you for something amazing. Your LPJ has been a game changer in my life and I’m sure so many others. Release day can’t come soon enough!


August 09, 2017

I’m so excited for you, Krystal! Thank you for sharing the story of this process and how God has equiped you and given you the desire for something wonderful He has called you to. God is good!


August 09, 2017

Congratulations & blessings!


August 09, 2017

Love everything about your book story, God is so Good. Congrats on your book and continue trusting the Lord :)

Ingrid Hall
Ingrid Hall

August 09, 2017

This is DEFINTELY going on my Christmas wish list along with your lettering Prayer Journal! Can’t wait! Congratulations!


August 09, 2017

Congrats!! I enjoy your inspirational Instagram posts and your blog!


August 09, 2017

Congrats!! I enjoy your inspirational Instagram posts and your blog!

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