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Dayspring Lettering Prayer Journal Release

by Krystal Whitten December 09, 2020

Dayspring Lettering Prayer Journal Release


I'm here to share some fun news with you today! The new Lettering Prayer Journal® collaboration with Dayspring is now available. If you've never heard of The Lettering Prayer Journal® before, I want to share with you what it is and how to use it. Keep reading! (Or scroll down if you prefer a video explanation.)



This has been a long time coming. In 2018 I received an email from a VP at Dayspring who had seen my work and emailed to say hi. He left the door open to working together in the future, but I had no idea what or how or even what steps to take from there.

Then in January 2019 I was doing my thing at the International Gift and Home Decor Tradeshow in Atlanta, and that Dayspring VP Jason Rovenstine came by to meet in person. He later brought his whole book team down to my booth to meet me. They were wonderful. What an honor that they would be interested in something I created. (All glory to the Lord!)

From that meeting they decided to do two prayer journals. The first was the Mary and Martha Home Special Edition that was released September 2019, which is still available and absolutely beautiful. I loved working with the team on that project.

The second one was to be available directly on And now that day has arrived!




I originally designed The Lettering Prayer Journal® because of my own weakness in my prayer life. I was always distracted and self-focused, and I never really acknowledged when God answered my prayers because I was on to the next thing. 

God has told us in the Bible that He works in connection with the prayers of His people. We've been given a mandate to pray. Here are a few examples: 

"Rejoice always. Pray continually." -1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." -Colossians 4:2

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." -James 5:16


James says the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective. But so often we don't know how to pray effectively or utilize prayer the way God intends us to. What do we do about that?

We know there's power in prayer, and there's also power in the Word of God. Prayer and scripture go together. When you pray scripture, your prayers become more powerful, more authoritative because you're praying God's actual Word. 

But how can we pray scripture if we don't know scripture?

The Lettering Prayer Journal® puts the two together. Scroll down to see how.


"If you are weak in the Word, beloved, you will be weak in prayer. The two go hand-in-hand. The greatest book on prayer is the Bible. It should be our 'book on common prayer.'" – Kay Arthur (Lord, Teach Me to Pray)



(Watch my video below for more details.) 

Each week you're given a scripture verse to hand letter, or write out in a creative way. What happens is you slow down and read the verse multiple times as you draw letter after letter, word after word. You'll meditate on the scripture each day, coming back to read the verse. And that verse will saturate your heart and mind.

You can turn that scripture into a prayer as you're prompted to pray for yourself, family, friends, those you know who are sick and grieving, your community, etc.

The categories are there to prompt you to think outside yourself and about the needs of those around you. And when you tell someone you'll pray for them, you have a place to write it down so that you actually do!

 The Lettering Prayer Journal® will help you:

  • Simplify and focus your prayers through the thoughtfully assigned categories
  • Develop a thriving prayer life resulting in a deeper relationship with God
  • Enhance your knowledge of and reliance on God's truths by meditating on His Word on a regular basis
  • Have fun with and improve two skills that are valuable to you: lettering and prayer.


Watch my flip-through and details below:




God calls Believers to prayer, and He allows us to interact with Him in this special way. But sometimes it’s hard to know how to pray or who to pray for. That’s why praying scripture is our best weapon.

Lettering or writing out scripture in a creative way saturates your heart and mind with God’s truth, which is where this journal perfectly intersects memorizing God’s Word and praying God’s Word.

I hope you’ll go support this project and share the word with your circle of friends. Thanks for reading!


With love and lettering,

Krystal Whitten
Krystal Whitten


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