Letter for the Lord

I'm so glad you've landed on this page. I believe if you're here reading this right now, then this message is for you.



Where it started

#LetterfortheLord is a hashtag I created in summer 2015 when I first started hand lettering and sharing scripture on social media. For me, that was the time that I realized I wanted to use whatever talent I might have at whatever point in my creative journey to make much of Him and His name. I was a novice hand letterer, anxious about posting my work and constantly comparing my work to others. (Who am I kidding? I still feel this!)

The idea of Lettering for the Lord took the pressure off. It helped me post hand lettered verses even when I cringed at the imperfection of them. It gave me joy to know I was using my creative gifts to the glory of the Lord, regardless of what other people thought. Over time, I noticed others were using the hashtag too. 

When you "Letter for the Lord," you're not lettering for other people - your friends, your family, your audience. You're not posting for your own glory or popularity. Whether it brings you likes or comments or not, that is not the goal. You're not worried about what other people think of you.


But Krystal, I do worry what people think of me...

Me too. This is easier said than done, trust me. There are plenty of times that I worry about what people will say in my comments. Maybe I'm being too bold. Or too controversial. Or maybe my close friends and family will think I've gone off the spiritual deep end. It's okay to feel a little uncomfortable. 

Just don't let those fear or uncomfortable feelings control you. If this is something you want to do, I encourage you to go for it. 

With the rise of social media and being so interconnected, we're generally becoming more and more self-centered. Lettering for the Lord is a serious change of mindset. Do it to bring glory to HIS name. Share His goodness, His truth, His hope to the world. When you create from this point of authenticity and sharing what God's done in your life, you're honoring Him above yourself. And I believe God honors that.

So I invite you to join me. Let's make Lettering for the Lord a movement.

Use #LetterfortheLord on your hand lettered scripture posts and boldly share His great name.

Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men, because you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as your reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:23-24)