Let's dig deep in God's Word and unearth great delight in it.

Krystal’s experience with hand lettering actually began in high school with magic markers and notebook paper. She spent hours teaching herself different handwriting styles and wrote out Bible verses in good ol’ Crayola markers to hang on her wall.

She never imagined it would be her career one day.

After 9 years as a graphic designer, Krystal hit a wall and felt a deep lack of creativity. She began searching for a creative outlet and rediscovered her passion for letters. In 2015, she began seriously pursuing hand lettering and calligraphy and eventually retired her freelancing business.

Krystal's passion for lettering quickly transformed into a calling as she dove deeper into her own relationship with God and His Word. Studying the Bible had ignited Krystal's heart for the Lord and for His Word. She felt a powerful connection to Scripture when she hand lettered it. And as she filled her home with Bible verses, she began encouraging other women to discover the power of God's Word for themselves.

Whether you’re practicing your own Scripture lettering in The Lettering Prayer Journal®, hanging her beautiful prints in your home, sending a card to a friend, or being encouraged through her social media, Krystal wants you to engage with and delight in God’s powerful words. 


"Fix these words in your hearts and minds. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." –Deuteronomy 11:18-20


Krystal lives just north of the Tampa Bay area in Florida with her husband Andy and their two children, Pierce and Haven. 

Krystal enjoys coffee chats with friends and has a weakness for sushi and french fries. Her favorite place to have visited is the great nation of Israel, to walk where Jesus walked. 

When she has some rare downtime, Krystal enjoys a good binge-watch or reading mystery novels. 


Desk photo: ©Laura Foote Photography
Family photo: ©Elizabeth Holder Photography

-edited 2023