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2024 Lettering Challenges

Starting today, April 1, 2024, I'm hosting a monthly scripture lettering challenge.

I want want to encourage you to dig into the Word in a creative way. I believe lettering scripture is a powerful way to saturate your heart and mind with truth.

I encourage you to post yours as you feel led. 

Read more about what it means to Letter for the Lord.

Here's how a lettering challenge works:

1. I'll provide a list of scripture prompts each month (see below)

2. Letter a verse each day. What do I mean by "letter?" I mean hand letter it or hand write it out, script it, etc. When you physically write something instead of typing it, you retain it so much better. Try it!

3. Spend some time thinking about what the verse means. Always read scripture in context to get the full meaning. The way to understand the context is to read the verse before and after, or even better, read the whole chapter. 

4. Take a picture of your verse and post it on your Instagram using the hashtag #LetterfortheLord and also add the monthly hashtag like this: #letterfortheLordAugust. On Facebook, I'll create a graphic of the month and you can post yours in the comments. 

5. Repeat each day! If you can't commit to every day, that's ok. Do it when you can.

6. Finally, take a look at the hashtag in Instagram or the post on Facebook to see what others are posting. *Leave some comments to create community and encourage others. *

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